How a Quadriplegic Gets Dressed (Video)
After a spinal cord injury, quads and paras need to re-learn how to live life. Getting dressed is one thing to figure out. I’d said

My Favorite Things I Read, Listened to, Watched, and Did in 2020
The year 2020 will be one for the history books – literally and figuratively. Although I can easily complain about 2020, I’m choosing to find

What Can I Do When I’m Confined?
Whether a person is confined due to COVID restrictions or trying to heal a pressure sore while in bed, I often read, “What can I

The Best Gifts for Someone with a Spinal Cord Injury
In this article I will share my opinion on the best gifts for someone with a spinal cord injury. To explain this list, you need

An Unexpected Visit from Grief after Spinal Cord Injury
Grief was the last thing on my mind. It had simply been a long day. Physically, emotionally, and mentally I was drained. Life with a

ParaRowing on the Ohio River
Pararowing, or adaptive rowing, has kept me in good physical – and mental – health during 2020. The first Saturday in October was a perfect

Save Your Most Valuable Asset with Pressure Mapping
For those of us with spinal cord injuries, our butt is our most valuable asset. With limited or no sensation, pressure sores or red spots

How to Do an At-Home Wheelchair Workout
Do you want to workout while using a wheelchair, but not sure where to begin? Watch this video to see how I workout at home

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep with a Spinal Cord Injury
How to get a good night’s sleep with a spinal cord injury A good night’s sleep and spinal cord injury… I’ve heard the horror stories.

When Advocacy Works: Louisville Ordinance 72 allows towing of vehicles in access aisles
Back in November 2019, I arrived early to an event and was grateful to find an accessible parking place. Unfortunately, when I returned several hours

Jenny Smith
After a spinal cord injury at 16, I discovered that a wheelchair could take me places I never dared to imagined.
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How I Can Tweeze My Eyebrows as a Quad

What is a pressure sore? (Video)

Quadly Cooking: Middle Eastern Chili (Video)

How Does a Quad Put in Contacts?
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