An Easy Wrapping Paper Cutter for Quads (Video)
Cutting wrapping as a quad can be difficult. Each Christmas I wrap Christmas presents for my family. Watch how I do that in this video

Why I Get Frustrated When You Don’t Appreciate Your Wheelchair
I’ve been holding my tongue on this topic for a long time. Why? Because it gets me fired up. Let’s call it a righteous anger.

How I Drive with Hand Controls as a Quad (video)
People often want to know how I drive. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I figured a video would be even better. My

A Model of Living Resiliently in the Midst of Suffering
For about a year I’ve been digging in to the subject of resiliency. In some ways I think I’m an expert on the subject. At

Cumberland Falls: A Beautiful and Accessible Getaway
On the return trip from Knoxville, my mom and I visited to Cumberland Falls State Resort Park. Cumberland Falls is in Corbin, Kentucky; it’s about

What ‘The Greatest Showman’ Can Teach Us About Accepting Ourselves
Have you seen the movie The Greatest Showman? It’s the fictional story of Phineas T. Barnum. However, the stars of the show – and the

How to Choose a Perfect Power Wheelchair
Every five or six years the process begins: It’s time to choose a new power wheelchair. There are few decisions in life that affect me

Dress for Success
Well-fitting clothes for wheelchair users can be challenging after a spinal cord injury. The good news is I’ve discovered quite a few things that work

Feeling Safe and Secure in My Home: Home Security
I had debated for a while whether I should get a home security system. But I was a bit unnerved after a neighbor’s house was

My Favorite Things in the Kitchen
Let’s be honest. Cooking with a disability takes quite a bit of time and effort. With my Quadly Cooking recipes, I offer Tips & Tricks

Jenny Smith
After a spinal cord injury at 16, I discovered that a wheelchair could take me places I never dared to imagined.
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How I Can Tweeze My Eyebrows as a Quad

What is a pressure sore? (Video)

Quadly Cooking: Middle Eastern Chili (Video)

How Does a Quad Put in Contacts?
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