

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is so much more than not walking. These articles share what I’ve learned about life with SCI: maintaining physical and emotional health, fashion in a seated position, My Favorite Things, and life hacks for living with a disability.

BCIR Update #5

I started to write this update 10 days ago. It began: “I’m dressed. I transferred into my chair. I’ve been spending about 45 minutes twice

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To All the Moms

On my birthday this year, my thoughts turned to my mom. I realized at 45, she was three years into having a 19-year-old daughter with

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BCIR Update #4

I had not expected this update to be written from a hospital bed. I “should have been” discharged last week and back at home. Instead

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BCIR Update #3

Well, I knew when I decided to have this procedure there were risks of complications. Unfortunately, I’m one of the people to develop a fistula.

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BCIR Update #2

I thought I knew what I was getting myself in to. And yet… This is so much harder than I ever imagined.

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BCIR Update #1

Due to overwhelming support, but inadequate energy, here’s a brief overview of my BCIR journey so far. BCIR is an internal continent catheterizable colostomy with

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Picture of Jenny Smith

Jenny Smith

After a spinal cord injury at 16, I discovered that a wheelchair could take me places I never dared to imagined.

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