The Uncomfortable Truth about Sexuality and Disability
In January I attended a conference for work. After dinner we were chatting and getting to know each other as we made our way back

7 Myths and Misconceptions about Spinal Cord Injury
Oh, the myths and misconceptions about spinal cord injury. There’s nothing worse than hearing “You don’t have enough faith” or “Just work harder.” After decades

My Favorite Things: E-Wand Mini-Blinds Starter Set (Video)
The E-Wand is a device that attaches to your mini-blinds. It allows you to open and close mini-blinds, as well Venecian and horizontal blinds, with

How to Intentionally Build Community
Many people with SCI have experienced loss of relationships after their injury. Friends, family, teammates, spouses. Why do these relationships end? That’s an article for

Joy Ley: An Unexpected Free Adventure in the Heart of Louisville
Sharing an enjoyable, local, free adventure with a friend always makes for a great day. Add in great food, handmade candy and wheelchair accessibility –

How I Find, Hire and Keep a Great Care Attendant
Early on in my injury, I didn’t want a personal care attendant. It was horrifying enough to have my mom and grandma help me with

Podcast with Kyle Idleman: Why Did This Happen to Me?
When I got a phone call asking me to share my story for a podcast with Kyle Idleman, I was little stunned. But of course

The Most Awesome Pants Ever Made – by Betabrand Yoga Dress Pants
Whether you use a wheelchair or not, finding a great pair of dress pants is never easy. Thankfully, I took a gamble buying Betabrand Dress

How to Stay Warm this Winter with a Spinal Cord Injury
Staying warm in the winter can be an art form when one’s ability to regulate body temperature is disrupted as a result of a spinal cord

What Freed Me from the Prison of Spasticity
After my C6-7 spinal cord injury at age 16, I experienced severe muscle spasms. My legs would extend out straight or pull in so forcefully

Jenny Smith
After a spinal cord injury at 16, I discovered that a wheelchair could take me places I never dared to imagined.
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How I Can Tweeze My Eyebrows as a Quad

What is a pressure sore? (Video)

Quadly Cooking: Middle Eastern Chili (Video)

How Does a Quad Put in Contacts?
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