Bayada Regatta – A Para-Rowing Event (Video)
Each year Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, hosts the Bayada Regatta, an adaptive rowing – or para-rowing – event. Watch the video below for an introduction to para-rowing

The Courage to Dance (video)
Taking a dance lesson took more courage than any other physical activity I’ve attempted. Yes, I row and play tennis and wheelchair rugby. I’ve tried

How I Get on an Airplane with an Aisle Chair
The thought of using an aisle chair to get on or off an airplane can be daunting. But once you’ve used an aisle chair a

How I Do a Sliding Board Transfer as a C6-7 Quad
As a C6-7 complete quadriplegic, I learned how to transfer using a sliding board. Watch this video to see how I get in and out

My Favorite Things: E-Wand Mini-Blinds Starter Set (Video)
The E-Wand is a device that attaches to your mini-blinds. It allows you to open and close mini-blinds, as well Venecian and horizontal blinds, with

The Gift of Tendon Transfers after Spinal Cord Injury (video)
In 1998 I had a series of surgeries called tendon transfers for people with cervical level spinal cord injuries. As a C6-7 quadriplegic, I had

Kiss the Wave – Video
My story is in this video below, but that does not mean I’ve figured all this out. I still struggle. At times I despise the

How to Get a Great Cardio Workout: Erging (Video)
Throughout the year I use an erg, or ergometer, for a great cardio workout. In this video I’ll demonstrate how I modify the erg as

Why Scarves are My Favorite Quad-Friendly Accessory
As a quad, it’s difficult to deal with earrings or necklaces so I just keep it simple with scarves. Watch this video to see a
How a Quad Puts in Contact Lenses
Click the link below to watch a video of me demonstrating how I put in my contacts.

Jenny Smith
After a spinal cord injury at 16, I discovered that a wheelchair could take me places I never dared to imagined.
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How I Can Tweeze My Eyebrows as a Quad

What is a pressure sore? (Video)

Quadly Cooking: Middle Eastern Chili (Video)

How Does a Quad Put in Contacts?
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