How to Choose a Perfect Power Wheelchair
Every five or six years the process begins: It’s time to choose a new power wheelchair. There are few decisions in life that affect me
Feeling Safe and Secure in My Home: Home Security
I had debated for a while whether I should get a home security system. But I was a bit unnerved after a neighbor’s house was
How to Become an Effective Self-Advocate after SCI
I have learned to be an effective self-advocate. An educator. It is a role that’s thrust upon all of us – whether we like it or not –
How my Spinal Cord Injury Affected my Best Friend
What follows is the story of how a spinal cord injury affects relationships. How was best friend, Barbara, impacted by my injury?
What Do You See When You See Me?
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is currently undertaking an Instagram campaign to combat the stigmas and misperceptions of what it means to live with
The Uncomfortable Truth about Sexuality and Disability
In January I attended a conference for work. After dinner we were chatting and getting to know each other as we made our way back
7 Myths and Misconceptions about Spinal Cord Injury
Oh, the myths and misconceptions about spinal cord injury. There’s nothing worse than hearing “You don’t have enough faith” or “Just work harder.” After decades
How to Intentionally Build Community
Many people with SCI have experienced loss of relationships after their injury. Friends, family, teammates, spouses. Why do these relationships end? That’s an article for
How I Find, Hire and Keep a Great Care Attendant
Early on in my injury, I didn’t want a personal care attendant. It was horrifying enough to have my mom and grandma help me with
Podcast with Kyle Idleman: Why Did This Happen to Me?
When I got a phone call asking me to share my story for a podcast with Kyle Idleman, I was little stunned. But of course
Jenny Smith
After a spinal cord injury at 16, I discovered that a wheelchair could take me places I never dared to imagined.
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How I Can Tweeze My Eyebrows as a Quad
What is a pressure sore? (Video)
Quadly Cooking: Middle Eastern Chili (Video)
How Does a Quad Put in Contacts?
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