Is Financial Peace Possible with a Disability?
Anyone with a disability knows that finances are one of the most stressful parts of a disability. The burden of health insurance, co-pays, supplies not

Dear Personal Care Attendant
Dear Personal Care Attendant, I’m writing this letter concerning the events of the past two days. You changed plans. Then canceled. Let me first say

Christmas Traditions after a Spinal Cord Injury
After a spinal cord injury, one thing we might lose is holiday traditions. Over the years, I’ve learned traditions change with time as well. The

The Lack of Personal Care Workers in Today’s Economy
In the article How I Find, Hire and Keep a Great Care Attendant, I walk through options for finding a good—hopefully great—personal care attendant or

Peer Mentors: The Power of Roll Models in Life with a Spinal Cord Injury
Throughout decades with a spinal cord injury, peer mentors have taught me the “tricks of the trade” of transfers, bladder and bowel care, dressing, the

How to Find and Maintain a Job after a Spinal Cord Injury
Working after a spinal cord injury may seem overwhelming. But you have finished up rehab or completed schooling, and you’re ready to go to work.

A Review of the Quantum Stretto Power Wheelchair
In my article How to Choose a Perfect Power Chair, I outlined my steps to look for…well, a perfect power wheelchair. In January 2021, it

How Do I Celebrate the Anniversary of my Spinal Cord Injury?
How do I celebrate the anniversary of my spinal cord injury? It’s a question I hear over and over. I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all

How Do You Define Independence?
How do you define independence? Does independence mean you are not reliant on anyone or any mobility device? I believe independence is something greater than

How Does a Quad Put in Contacts?
Have you ever wondered how a quad with limited hand and finger function puts in contacts? Probably not. But now that you are thinking about

Jenny Smith
After a spinal cord injury at 16, I discovered that a wheelchair could take me places I never dared to imagined.
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How I Can Tweeze My Eyebrows as a Quad

What is a pressure sore? (Video)

Quadly Cooking: Middle Eastern Chili (Video)

How Does a Quad Put in Contacts?
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